“at your service”
TOB Leadership

Pastors Anthony and Jennifer Martinez serve together as Lead Pastors of The Olive Branch Assembly of God Church seeking to fulfill God’s calling on their lives. They know that God has ordained a special purpose for this church in our community and especially for the faithful loving people at TOB.
Pastor Anthony has a heart for all people and encourages each one to fulfill their individual gifting and calling of God. He encourages each person to develop a personal relationship with God and continually grow in their faith in Jesus Christ and live in obedience to God through His Word.
Pastor Jennifer has a heart for the Ladies of the church, knowing that each one has a special purpose that God has set for them. She truly enjoys leading women closer to God through personal interaction and joyful intimate special times of fellowship and discussions in the Word of God.

Associate Pastor Willie Evans has a heartfelt desire to reach out to those in need. His heart and work for the Lord is an encouragement to all who are blessed by his faithfulness. Pastor Willie is also a gifted teacher of Gods Word and is one of our teaching Pastors here at TOB.

Debbie Bowers serves as our Children’s Director and Assistant to our Lead Pastor Anthony. She has a loving desire to care for our Kids here at TOB. Under her leadership, we have seen God grow and bless our wonderful ministry for our younger ones here at TOB.

Pastors Bob and Gayle Kirk serve as our Care Ministry Pastors and have a wonderful dedicated heart to help others navigate through life when life gets a bit challenging. Pastor Bob is also a local chaplain and serves many families with caring love in their times of need.

Kenny and Jenny Merced serve as our Worship Leaders and have a passionate desire to lead people into the presence of the Lord through Song and Encouragement. Also, Kenny and Jenny lead our Youth Ministry here at TOB and are connecting our younger generation to Jesus and His Word.

Pastors Bill and Ledena Harris serve as our Compassion Ministry Pastors and desire to connect people into the service of God. They are faithful in teaching God’s Word and leading others closer to the Lord and His Word. When there is a task to be done for the Lord, these two can be counted on!
Our TOB Church Board is currently comprised of Cameron Lutz, Bob Kirk, Bill Harris, Jennifer Martinez.